We Should Start a Band: The Hipster at Home Podcast

Like many of the big steps forward for the Hipster at Home team, We Should Start a Band was another brilliant idea spawned from a night at the Hipster at Home pub, a.k.a. the roof. Well, more like a virtual pub idea because of quarantine. So while enjoying virtual drinks and basking in our own hipster vibes, the thought occurred to us, we could be even more hipster. This naturally led to the realisation that we should start a podcast.

It has been said that the hipster equivalent of starting a band is starting a podcast. Along with our constant quest to find the perfect name for our debut album, We Should Start A Band was aptly named.

While we are by no means experts on many of the topics we are covering (we’re just highly opinionated), we hope you will enjoy following along with our conversations while you bask in the warmth of your beanies and turmeric lattes. 

Podcasts are the modern take on the programming made popular during the golden age of radio. We listen to them for entertainment, to learn about the news, and have our favourite programmes that we follow religiously. Luckily for us, we now have the benefit of our shows being portable and easily accessible on our own time schedule. You can follow We Should Start a Band on your favourite platform and listen at the touch of a button.

A podcast seemed like an extremely logical step to bring our passions from the blog into a new format, which will compliment the work we do for the site, which will be shamelessly plugged (fair warning). We Should Start a Band also has the added benefit of keeping the team closer together while they live in different places.

We welcome you to join us for a sesh or more on this wild journey.


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The Beef of Frogs (A-Side): Fair Fare

On their debut album Pants Over Pants, the hipsters are hitting the amusement park to ride some rides and judge some outfits. So put on your jorts, layer that flannel, slather on the SPF, and come along. The ticket price is unknown but word is Muffin Tops 25 will be playing in the grandstand. You can even skip the line. All in all, it promises to be an episode to remember.


Pants Over Pants: Day out at the amusement park

On their debut album Pants Over Pants, the hipsters are hitting the amusement park to ride some rides and judge some outfits. So put on your jorts, layer that flannel, slather on the SPF, and come along. The ticket price is unknown but word is Muffin Tops 25 will be playing in the grandstand. You can even skip the line. All in all, it promises to be an episode to remember.


That Hunter-Gatherer Feel: Perusing the pitfalls of big grocery

On their debut album That Hunter-Gatherer Feel, the hipsters grab a cart and set out into the wilds of the grocery store. They examine why shopping small isn’t just about maintaining one’s hipster cred but also about maintaining one’s sanity. From aisle rearranging to children on wheels, the hipsters rant about all the pitfalls of shopping in big stores. With a surprise appearance from a special guest, this episode shouldn’t be missed.


Preconceived Notions: Hipster Speed Dating

On their debut album Preconceived Notions, the hipsters break the ice by taking on controversial topics like big tech, gender reveals, and sharing movie theatre candy under a lava flow. They will hit all the key personality points and accidentally create dating profiles that will have you swiping right. Timers at the ready!


Heh Heh…Secrets: Walking our hipster pets

On their debut album Heh Heh…Secrets, the hipsters discover more about themselves through the lens of an online personality quiz than they ever thought possible. From how they are feeling emotionally to learning their spirit animals, this episode will whisk you away on a journey before eventually depositing you in the furry or feathered shoes of your favourite hipster pet. Don’t worry, all the hipsters are now fully housetrained.


Toss the Burlap:
Unloading our pet peeves

On their debut album Toss the Burlap, the hipsters have a lot of feelings and they need to let them out. So they head into the woods for a primal rant and a few laughs along the way. From instant coffees to prom-posals, is there anything the hipsters don’t have an opinion on? Probably not, but may as well listen to find out.


Angry About Clams: Lighting up the 4th of July

On their debut album Angry About Clams, the hipsters are pulling out the cooler, lighting up the grill, and setting off some conversational fireworks. Someone might even get burned. Stop by, bring a dish, and find out why Retro Denim Jacket even bought that cement mixer. This is one fiery summer extravaganza. 


Sweet Cherry Bass: Opening up about flavoured beers and wines

On their debut album Sweet Cherry Bass, the hipsters will have you asking the really important questions in life, such as when is a beer not a beer? Would I visit a hipster version of Jurassic Park? And will they ever actually get to this episode’s topic? It’s a contentious one this week so buckle up.


Crystal Bow Tie: Compiling our anniversary gift guide

On their debut album Crystal Bow Tie, the hipsters celebrate the 10th anniversary of their first episode by going shopping for some anniversary gifts. Or at least, putting together some excellent advice on what they should give each other. After all, they are highly opinionated. Brace yourself for the greatest twist to hit the hipsters this season.


Three Pronged Trident: Heatwave mixtape

On their debut album Three Pronged Trident, the hipsters throw together their first mixtape. It promises to be the type of selection that makes you want to jump in the car and just drive, but maybe not with the hipsters as navigators. Heat stroke is definitely setting in as the hipsters clearly record 3 different podcasts and somehow make them work together.


Chicken Fried Tomato Sauce: Dipping into game night snacks

On their debut album Chicken Fried Tomato Sauce, the hipsters get into the nitty gritty of what to serve on a game night. From salty to sweet; travel around the board, do pass go, and do collect all the hipster knowledge that will have you winning the hosting game.


The Steam Between Them: Meeting for brunch

On their debut album The Steam Between Them, the hipsters sit down to a brunch discussion you can almost sink your teeth into. Pull up a chair and get ready for a bottomless buffet of banter. Will this be the episode the hipsters fall out over such controversial topics as waffles or pancakes and will it benedict?


Six Minutes on High: Wading into cereal

On their debut album Six Minutes on High, the hipsters welcome their very first guest for a new segment I’m with the band. Alongside their graphic designer, they wade through the world of cereals, take multiple trips down memory lane, get a bit turned around and accidentally join the cult of the pot pie. Are you in or you out?


Blurred Sav (B-side): Mastering the home bar

Rumour has it, if you play this podcast backwards, you will hear the hipsters’ secret recipe for smoked butter lobster lattes. Rejoin the hipsters as they test new mixers, judge martinis (as well as vehicle choices), and level up the home bar.


Blurred Sauv (A-Side): Rummaging for home bar essentials

On their debut album Blurred Sav (A-side), join the hipsters in their valiant effort to stick to an episode outline and remember the English language. Laugh along as they cover cocktail shakers, garnishing drinks, and wearing perfume? 

In a We Should Start a Band first, they have produced a recording that could rival 7 Skies H3 (almost) so they have had to split it into an A-side and a B-side. 

This EP’s shameless plugs:

Check out the Libation Library for recipes and reviews


I Bring the Creep: Taking a chance on game night

On their debut album I Bring the Creep, the hipsters host a game night full of terrible puns and wax based candies. Come along as they pull out their least mainstream games, split into teams, and size up their opponents…friends, we mean friends. In the end the real winner is you.

This EP’s shameless plugs:


Fussy About Sizing: Examining pretentious foods

On their debut album Fussy About Sizing, attempt to follow the hipsters’ ramblings as they give their opinions on specialty oils, salts, and other little touches that make your food that bit more pretentious without all the effort. Will the hipsters win the fight with Truffy the Boxing Truffle? And can they make #showermustard a trend? Listen to find out.

This EP’s shameless plugs:

Pulla Coffee Bread with pecan butter
Courgette bread is the hipster version of banana bread as discussed on We Should Start a Band


Whipped Cream Off the Top: A journey through non-dairy milk

On their debut album Whipped Cream Off the Top, the hipsters start as they mean to go on, with very little direction. Join them for a discussion on the merits of various non-dairy and bovine adjacent alternatives, as well as their strong feelings on the fowl world. 

This EP’s shameless plugs:

Using almond milk for chocolate pancakes in place of dairy milk